Pretoria - The Special Investigating Unit (SIU) has been directed by government to probe alleged corruption in government departments, municipalities and institutions, President Jacob Zuma said.
"Progress is being made in many ongoing investigations," Zuma said as he delivered the State of the Nation Address (SONA) on Thursday.
He added that about R44 million has been recovered from public servants who were illegally benefiting from housing subsidies, while the cleaning of the social grants system of fraud is also continuing.
A Special Anti-Corruption Unit has been established in the Department of Public Service and Administration to handle corruption-related disciplinary cases involving public servants.
"While not pre-judging the investigations, they prove our resolve to combat corruption at all levels of Government and the public service. The Multi-Agency Working Group on procurement led by National Treasury, SARS and the Financial Intelligence Centre is reviewing the entire state procurement system to ensure better value for money from state spending," said Zuma.