Do not despair if you failed - Minister

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Pretoria - Those matrics who have not passed their final exams should not despair but rather take advantage of options offered by the Department of Basic Education, says Minister Angie Motshekga.

"The learners have come a long way, almost 12 years of schooling... they must explore second chance opportunities, such as supplementary exams and re-writes, rather than declaring themselves losers after a 12-year race," said Motshekga.

The minister urged those who qualify for supplementary exams to go straight to their books and prepare.

"Those that have not made it should use this year to prepare for the next round of exams. With additional effort, they will succeed," she said.

In announcing the national pass rate of 67.8 percent, the minister said she hoped that the supplementary exams would make up the additional 3 percent to make up the target of achieving a 10 percent increase in the pass rate.

The supplementary exams will commence from 14 February until 24 March 2011.