Pretoria - Public Service and Administration Minister Richard Baloyi has called on essential service employees who are taking part in the public service strike to return to work as a matter of urgency.
In a statement, the minister said all essential services employees must comply with the law as prescribed in the Labour Relations Act as well as in compliance with a court order restraining strike action by essential service personnel.
Last week the Labour Court granted government an interdict prohibiting those employed in essential services from participating in the public servants strike.
"Government calls on all essential services to return to work without further delay as the minimum service level agreement is not in place and therefore employees providing essential services must adhere to the Labour Relations Act," said the department.
Baloyi said essential services included nursing, medical and paramedical services, emergency health services and the provision of emergency health facilities to the community or part thereof, correctional services, services required for the functioning of the courts, South African Police Service (SAPS), the supply and distribution of water, the security services of the Department of Water Affairs and Forestry, the collection of infectious refuse from medical and veterinary hospitals or practices, computer services provided or supported by National Treasury including the Persal, Social Pensions, Hospital and Flood Control systems as well as services provided by old age homes, children's homes and places of care.
Those supporting emergency health services, nursing and medical and paramedical services were also not allowed to strike. This includes those working in the medical records, laundry, mortuary, medicine quality control laboratory, catering, security, porter and reception, pharmaceutical and dispensary, forensics, clinical engineering, hospital engineering, pest control and waste removal.
The department said government was committed to collectively working with labour in finalising the minimum service level agreement in essential services.