Mangaung - Since the inception of the Anti-Fraud and Corruption Unit in the Mangaung Local Municipality a year ago, significant progress has been made to crack down on corruption.
"The investigations conducted so far revealed fraudulent activities and corruption amounting to approximately R20 million," said municipality spokesperson Qondile Khedama.
To date, Khedama said a total of 17 employees were charged with financial misconduct while two employees had resigned, five were suspended and seven were dismissed as a result of the unit.
He warned employees and members of the community implicated in fraudulent activities that they would face the full might of the law.
The unit works in partnership with the South African Police Service, Special Investigations Unit and Asset Forfeiture Unit in High Priority Investigations.
Anyone interested in reporting corruption can contact the Anti-Fraud and Corruption Unit on (051) 405-8979.