Water Affairs to hold open day

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Pretoria - Water users in the Western Cape will in the coming weeks have an opportunity to access valuable information on the services rendered by the Department of Water Affairs.

The department's Regional Offices will from 01 to 12 November hold Water Open Day in its three Water Management Areas and the Breede/Overberg Catchment Management Agency.

The open day to be held under the theme "Working together we can save more water", is targeted towards various water users including farmers, wineries, mines, municipalities and all people who use water resources.

Western Cape Regional Office Chief Director, Rashid Khan said the event offers an exciting platform for water users to access valuable information with regards to the services of the department.

"This first of its kind event, will provide a friendly and relaxed platform for departmental officials to give support in the completion of license applications, water registrations, waste discharge change registration queries, Adopt-a-River initiatives and Blue and Green Drop programmes," Khan said.

He added that the department hopes to have the open day on a regular occurrence.

"We eventually hope to have a Water Open Day campaign at least twice every year, this will depend partly on a survey that will be carried out during the event that hopes to analyse the various perceptions that departmental customers have regarding services rendered," he said.

The open days will be held in the Berg from 01 to 03 November, BOCMA (Breede) from 04 to 05 November. From 08 to 09 November they will be at Gouritz and at Olifantsdoorn from 11 to 12 November 2010.