Freedom Day should be reminder of struggle - Xingwana

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Pretoria - Arts and Culture Minister Lulu Xingwana says South Africans should use the Freedom Day as a reminder of the struggle and the painful journey the nation has taken to achieve equality and democracy.

Speaking at the main event to mark the 16th anniversary of the country's first democratic elections, Xingwana said South Africans of all races should be proud of the progress the country has made since 27 April when more than 19 million people lined up in long queues to make their mark for a free and just South Africa.

"The long queues are an indelible image that reminds us of a people eager to demonstrate their commitment their commitment to a democratic order," Xingwana told the thousands of people who gathered at the southern lawns of the Union Buildings to commemorate the day.

She said Freedom Day is also a day when all should reflect on the sacrifices made by those who struggled for freedom. "On this day we also celebrate our identify as South African people through showcasing the arts and culture of our country because arts and culture have helped to develop our identity as a people."

During the struggle for freedom, people sang freedom songs and at times of birth and weddings sang songs of celebration. "Today music, literature and arts reflect the evolving identity of the evolving nation," Xingwana said. President Jacob is expected to address the crowd later in the day.