Pretoria - Science and Technology Minister, Naledi Pandor, says there is a need to increase the number of mathematics and science subject passes for South Africans to realise their potential.
Speaking at the 12th National Science and Technology Forum (NSTF) Awards on Tuesday, Pandor called on the NSTF and other institutions to up their game if the country is to achieve its goals.
She said South Africa's greatest lever for success is its world-class practitioners in the science and technology fields.
"Our universities and science councils are well established in research and have built a foundation for firmly supporting South Africa to move into a knowledge-based economic future.
"There are signs of improvement but the need is so immense that we must redouble efforts," Pandor said.
The NSTF Awards were established in 1998 to honour and celebrate outstanding contributions to Science, Engineering, Technology and Innovation (SETI)