Teachers to get techno savy

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Pretoria - After months of deliberations and planning by the Department of Basic Education, the Teacher Laptop Initiative (TLI) is set to be rolled out on Thursday with a key focus on teacher training and development in ICT, computer literacy and pedagogy.

The TLI, which is managed by the Education Labour Relations Council, addresses South Africa's need for a quality education system.

It also forms part of the cohesive plan by the department and other stakeholders in education to improve the overall quality of education by making resources available to learners and teachers in the public education sector.

The ICT packages for teachers consist of a laptop with prescribed minimum specifications, school administration, national curriculum and other software as well as internet connectivity, insurance and finance, as per the requirements of Government Gazette 32207.

Qualifying teachers will receive a monthly allowance of R130.00 (taxable) and are required to fund the difference between the allowance and the monthly repayments of the package.

Most of the packages from the provisionally accredited suppliers cost between R250.00 and R390.00 per month and the repayments are spread over a period of five years.

During the TLI rollout launch to take place at Lotus Gardens Primary School, west of Pretoria, there will be brief demonstrations on connectivity of email and internet and the use of various software packages to illustrate the different ways in which ICT can be incorporated in the classroom.

There will also be a display of wide range of products that teachers can choose from.

Basic Education Deputy Minister, Enver Surty will deliver the keynote address, SADTU President Thobile Ntola and NAPTOSA President Ezra Ramasehla will also address the meeting on behalf of the Combined Trade Union.