Pretoria - Home Affairs Minister Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma has welcomed the arrest of six Pakistani nationals for issuing fraudulent Home Affairs documents to illegal immigrants.
During the raid, police found large quantities of ID's, birth certificates, work permits as well as South African passports which would allegedly have been used to regularize the stay in South Africa of illegal immigrants.
"The raid on the Pakistani-run office in Brits must be welcomed by all South Africans as a sign of the unflinching determination of the government to root out corruption in our society.
"Unless it is nipped in the bud, corruption will continue to pose a serious threat to the stability of our country and our hard-won democracy," she said.
She said government will do everything in its power to continue to deal with those implicated in such acts of corruption.
"We express our confidence that the law enforcement agencies will leave no stone unturned to investigate and to ensure those responsible for the illegal operation in Brits and elsewhere in the country including their co-conspirators face the full might of the law.
"We call on all those who have more information about this and similar activities elsewhere to provide the police with the necessary information to ensure the perpetrators are brought to book," added Dlamini-Zuma.