Mbombela - Mpumalanga residents who attend Mandela Day celebrations on Saturday will be able to apply for birth certificates, ID books and social grants at the same time.
in addition, they can even get a health check.
"Those who qualify for social grants will be registered on the spot by the department of social development, and Home Affairs will deal with those who need birth certificates and identity documents," said Simphiwe Kunene, spokesperson for the Department of Co-operative Governance and Traditional Affairs on Tuesday.
He said the Health Department will provide eye tests and also do diabetes tests.
The event will start at 9am at the Mahlangu Tribal Authority offices in Draaikraal near Mashishing (formerly Lydenburg).
The event is part of a national effort to recognise 67 years that former South African president Nelson Mandela dedicated to social activism.
"Madiba will be turning 92 years on July 18 and, as part of the celebration, people are also asked to donate at least 67 minutes of their time in the service to their communities.
"The collective power to bring about a change for the better in the world cannot be understated," Kunene said.
Meanwhile, Mpumalanga Health and Social Development MEC Dikeledi Mahlangu will officially introduce the Older Person's Act during a visit to the Mkhondo Local Municipality in Piet Retief on Sunday.
The Act seeks to maintain and protect the status, wellbeing, safety and rights of older persons. It also aims to promote their integration in the community by creating an enabling environment and promoting participation in activities with people of other ages and cultures.
Provincial Health and Social Development spokesperson Mpho Gabashane said departmental officials were also being encouraged to give their time, not only on Mandela Day, but every day, towards making the world a better place for all.