Durban - Government has promised that the fight to protect women and children against abuse will not stop on 10 December.
On the final day of the 16 Days of Activism for No violence against Women and Children campaign, a large delegation of government officials joined hundreds of women at Durban City Hall for the national closing ceremony.
Government took the opportunity to reaffirm their obligation to continue their fight for the freedom of women and children.
The Anni Dewani murder case in Cape Town demonstrated to the world that gender based violence knows no geographic or social boundaries.
Minister for Women, Children and Person with Disabilities Lulu Xingwana said South Africa's handling of the Dewani case should be used to show government's commitment to deal with gender based violence.
"As women continue to suffer violence and abuse from their partners, we need to intensify the struggle for women emancipation and respect for human rights of women globally," said Xingwana.
The minister congratulated the South African Police and National Prosecuting Authority for their efforts to solve this case that has made international headlines.
Referring to the incident in Pretoria, in which eight members of the same family were arrested for their alleged involvement in a child pornography ring, Xingwana said not even the little ones were spared from horrible acts of violence.
"There will be no leniency towards abusers. We have the commitment from the Criminal Justice Cluster and the perpetrators of violence against women and children shall face the full might of the law," said Xingwana.
Earlier in the morning, Xingwana visited the survivors of the Ntshongweni attacks.
The lack of shelter or housing contributes to the perpetuation of violence against women and children. The ministry handed out a house to the Magcaba family in Ntshongweni and Nxusi family at Saint Wendelin.
The families also received food parcels and were given seeds to start their own food gardens.
"While we are having this closing ceremony for the 16 Days of Activism, I must emphasize that this campaign does not end here. This is a 365 Days Plan of Action that we have to strengthen and implement together with all partners throughout 2011 and beyond," the minister said.
The action plan is a multi-sector framework and will have all government departments contributing to the fight against gender based violence.
With the festive season soon to kick into full gear, government said that South Africans have to make an effort to ensure women and children do not become victims of domestic violence caused particularly by drugs and alcohol usage.
"Cases of domestic violence and other crimes against women and children are a priority in the festive season security plan (Operation Duty Calls)," said the minister.
Friday's event coincided with International Human Rights Day.