Pretoria - Finance Minster Pravin Gordhan is calling on South Africans to send in their budget tips ahead of his address in February.
Gordhan would like to hear from citizens specifically on how South Africa can achieve an economic growth rate of 7 percent per year over the course of the next 20 years.
Last year, Minister Gordhan said that although the country's economy was recovering from the economic crisis, a 7 percent growth rate was necessary.
"South Africans are also encouraged to send through tips on how this growth can be made more inclusive, ie. spread to more people and thus reducing unemployment, poverty and inequality," said the Treasury on Thursday.
Minister Gordhan is due to present the 2011 budget before Parliament on 23 February at 2pm.
The campaign of getting South Africans to submit their tips to the minister is run throughout the course of the year and ensures active participation in government programmes,
Tips can be sent to the minister's office via Treasury's website: or faxed to 012 315 5126 or through the post at: Private Bag X115 Pretoria 0001.
Tips can also be sent to the minister's Facebook fan page.