Alternatives available for school leavers

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Pretoria - Deputy Minister of Higher Education, Hlengiwe Mkhize, says there are other options available to students, especially those who could not secure a space at universities.

"Inasmuch as the country needs engineers, it needs artisans. Electricians, plumbers, boilermakers, welders and mechanics are critical to the socio-economic development of our nation," she said.

Optimising the opportunities presented by the post-school system, must be pursued.

With regard to the intake at universities, Mkhize said her department did not place any ceiling on student intake.

"The enrolment targets entail a planning process where student numbers are negotiated with each of the universities," she said.

"Institutional capacity is determined by the physical space - lecture rooms, accommodation, laboratory facilities etc, and the academic staff available to actually teach," the minister said.

A survey revealed that 21 universities received 528 652 applications and UNISA received 90 435 for the 2011 first time entry intake.