Anti-substance campaign reaches out to FS

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Pretoria - As part of the national anti-substance abuse campaign, Minister of Social Development Edna Molewa will be spending few days in the Free State informing the public about the harmful effects of substance abuse.

Molewa and Deputy Minister Bathabile Dlamini will be accompanied by Free State MEC for Social Development Sisi Ntombela, where they will be visiting the community of Jacobsdaal mobilising for collective community action against the substance abuse and illicit drug trafficking.

During the three-day visit, which kicked off today, the officials will interact with communities through the public participation programme.

Today a women's conference on substance will be held in Panorama Combined School, followed by youth dialogue on substance abuse to be held on Friday at Ikanyegeng Combined School.

The youth dialogue will culminate in a Provincial Substance Abuse Summit on Saturday, which is a precursor to the second Biennial Substance Abuse Summit that will take place in Durban from 8 to 10 December 2010.