Parliament - The much anticipated Broadcasting Digital Migration process, which will also help address socio-economic challenges, is on track, says Communications Minister, General Simphiwe Nyanda.
On 30 October 2008, the digital signal was switched-on, marking a milestone for the commencement of the dual-illumination period for South Africa.
"While we recognise the complexity of the digital migration process, significant progress has been made to meet the 1 November 2011 analogue switch-off date," Mr Nyanda said during his Budget Vote in Parliament on Tuesday.
During this period, both the analogue and digital signals will broadcast simultaneously. "I have been informed that the pilot which is currently running is progressing well," the minister said.
In line with government's decision to support poor TV-owning households, the department is finalising the details regarding the implementation of the Scheme-for-Ownership-Support for set-top boxes for submission to the Cabinet soon.
"As part of building excellence in the electronic industry, we are at an advanced stage to finalise the Set-Top-Box Manufacturing Sector Development Strategy.
"This strategy will promote collaboration between government and the industry, and amongst the various industry players, in the local manufacturing of the set-top boxes," he said.
It is envisaged that the migration programme will assist in re-skilling, job creation, and the transformation of the sector.
The minister said during this financial year, the implementation of the public awareness campaigns, though under funded, will be intensified.
This, he said, will be to ensure that the broader South African public understands the process; how it will impact on them; and what they have to do.
"I also wish to acknowledge the support from the National Treasury in making the funding available for various activities such as the dual illumination through Sentech, and the scheme-for-ownership support of set-top-boxes.
"We are continuing with engagement with the Treasury for additional funding," the minister said.