Cabinet notes misinformation campaigns

Thursday, March 27, 2025

Cabinet has noted with concern “continuing misinformation campaigns by Solidariteit and AfriForum and their allies”. 

This is after AfriForum and Solidarity were in the United States recently.

Minister in the Presidency Khumbudzo Ntshavheni said at a media briefing in Pretoria on Thursday that law enforcement agencies were investigating these violations of South African laws.

“To prevent further misinformation, the South African Police Service (SAPS) met with AfriForum to clarify the allegations of white genocide with reference to farm murders.

“At the meeting, AfriForum conceded that the crime statistics as released by the Minister of Police are accurate, including on farm murders.” 

Ntshavheni said “it is common knowledge that some of the farm murders are committed by people known to the farmers including family members”.

The Minister was briefing the media on the outcomes of the Cabinet meeting held on Wednesday.

“Cabinet is also aware of the false claim that there are approximately 72 000 white farmers who have signed up to relocate to the USA [United States of America] in response to the invitation by the US President.” 

Citing data from Statistics South Africa (Stats SA), Ntshavheni said South Africa has only 41 122 farming units, therefore the number of commercial white farmers does not exceed this figure. –