Cabinet has received an update on the Broadcasting Digital Migration (BDM) Programme and has noted progress made with the installation of set-top boxes as part of the migration from analogue to digital broadcasting.
“Cabinet re-emphasised the urgency for concluding the BDM to free up the spectrum needed for mobile broadband, and other information and communications technology related purposes,” Minister in the Presidency, Mondli Gungubele, said during a post-cabinet briefing on Thursday.
Communications and Digital Technologies Minister Khumbudzo Ntshavheni will hold a media briefing on Friday to provide more details on the programme.
WATCH | Minister Ntshavheni briefs media
Annual National Child Rights Status Report
Meanwhile, Cabinet approved the second Annual National Child Rights Status Report for publication. The report provides an update on the implementation of the National Plan of Action for the Children for the 2019-2024 period.
The report highlights the achievements recorded for the 2020-2021 period.
“It also highlights areas that remain a challenge, including the safety of children and the continued disparities between the poor and the rich in respect of children. The report also reflects on how the COVID-19 pandemic impacted on children during this period,” said Minister Gungubele.
PHOTOS | Post Cabinet briefing
The intervention measures being implemented by government are aimed at realising the rights of children, as outlined in the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa of 1996.
Gungubele added that they also support the country’s obligations to the United Nations Conventions on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) and the African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child (ACRWC). South Africa is a signatory to both the UNCRC and ACRWC.
The report was compiled in consultation with government departments and a number of relevant stakeholders at national and provincial levels.
The full report will be posted on the Department of Social Development website: www.dsd.gov.za.
South Africa’s report to the UNCRC
Cabinet has also approved the tabling of the third to the sixth Periodic Report to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC).
This report follows the second Periodic Report that was tabled to the UNCRC in 2014.
“The report has been compiled in accordance with Article 44 of the UNCRC, and also covers the observations and recommendations made from the last report. The UNCRC sent its observations and recommendations for the country in 2016,” Cabinet said.
WATCH | Post Cabinet briefing
The compilation was done in consultation with all relevant departments and stakeholders across the country. The full report will be made public once it has been tabled to the UNCRC.
National report on implementing the New Urban Agenda
Cabinet has approved the submission of South Africa’s first national report on the implementation of the New Urban Agenda to the UN Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat).
The UN-Habitat adopted its New Urban Agenda at its Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development in October 2016. Member states were expected to submit progress reports voluntarily.
South Africa supported the adoption of the New Urban Agenda and subsequently implemented it through the country’s Integrated Urban Development Framework (IUDF).
The IUDF aims to guide the development of inclusive, resilient and liveable urban settlements.
The progress report was compiled in consultation with national, provincial and local spheres of government, and relevant NGOs.
Integrated Youth Development Strategy (IYDS)
Cabinet has also approved the Integrated Youth Development Strategy (IYDS) for implementation.
The strategy gives effect to the National Youth Policy 2020-2030, outlines the actions, projects, and programmes to be undertaken by various stakeholders from youth formations.
It also deals with minimising the duplication of government interventions and guides how civil society and the private sector can support young people to access opportunities.
Cabinet said the compilation of the strategy involved diverse inputs from various sectors of society.
Draft White Paper on Conservation and Sustainable Use of South Africa’s Biodiversity
Cabinet approved the draft White Paper on Conservation and Sustainable Use of South Africa’s Biodiversity for public comment.
Minister Gungubele said that South Africa's biodiversity provides an important basis for economic growth and development, and is critical to people’s livelihoods.
“This White Paper gives effect to the recommendations made by the High-Level Panel of Experts appointed in 2019 to review our current policies, legislation and practices on matters relating to iconic species,” he said.
The report recommended the development of an overarching policy on conservation and sustainable use of the country’s biodiversity.
The policy will be implemented across all spheres of government. “Conservation is important for the country’s drive to accelerate economic growth and job creation,” Cabinet said.
Game Meat Strategy
Cabinet has also approved the publication of the draft Game Meat Strategy for public comment.
The strategy seeks to formalise and transform the game meat industry. It also seeks to contribute towards food security in a sustainable manner.
“The game meat industry is predominately an informal industry that operates in a fragmented manner. The proposed strategy provides an implementation plan that will formalise and strengthen the sector as both a provider of food security and an economic growth sector that can help create job opportunities,” Cabinet said. –SAnews.gov.za