Cabinet notes progress on open govt partnership

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Pretoria - Cabinet says it has noted the Open Government Partnership (OGP) Declaration, the country's action plan and progress on the OGP commitments.

"South Africa made significant inputs to the final OGP Declaration and Articles of Governance. 

"An OGP country action plan has been drafted through a consultative process with civil society. The Minister of Public Service and Administration will be embarking on a roadshow to communicate the OGP commitments," announced Minister in the Presidency for Performance Monitoring, Evaluation and Administration, Collins Chabane, on Thursday.

The OGP, which South Africa is a member of, is a multi-stakeholder coalition of leading governments and civil society organisations working to advance transparency and accountability in government. 

It has the express goals of increasing responsiveness to citizens, countering corruption, promoting economic efficiencies, harnessing innovation and improving the delivery of services. 

At the launch of the OGP last year, President Jacob Zuma reiterated South Africa's commitment to the principles of open governance. -