Pretoria – Cabinet has weighed in on the reported deaths of young initiates, saying while it fully supports the traditions and cultures of all South Africans, these should be balanced with the country’s constitutional rights.
This comes after the deaths of dozens of young boys who underwent traditional circumcision at various initiation schools in Mpumalanga. A total of 23 initiates have died in the province, according to police.
“Cabinet conveys its condolences to the families and friends of the young men who lost their lives as a result of inappropriate initiation ceremonies,” said Public Service and Administration Minister Lindiwe Sisulu on Thursday. She was briefing media after Cabinet’s meeting this week.
Parliament also had a debate on the matter on Wednesday with MPs calling for a thorough regulation of these schools without undermining culture and tradition.
President Jacob Zuma has called for swift justice and urged traditional leaders and members of communities to be vigilant against abuse and neglect at these initiation schools.
Meanwhile, Cabinet hailed the decision by the University of KwaZulu-Natal to introduce isiZulu as compulsory subject for undergraduate students who are not proficient in the language.
“We accept this as part of attempts to build a multilingual society, we think it’s a good move and we would like to encourage all South Africans to speak as many languages as possible,” said Sisulu. –