Call for comments on NEEDU Bill

Monday, February 13, 2012

Pretoria - The Department of Basic Education is inviting all education stakeholders to submit comments on the National Education Evaluation and Development Unit Bill (NEEDU), which was published for comment on 23 December 2011.

Once fully established, NEEDU will identify the factors that inhibit or advance school improvement, analyse and identify approaches and strategies necessary for achieving equality in the provision of quality education.

It will also evaluate the way in which provincial education departments monitor and evaluate schools, evaluate the support that schools receive from the education districts and departments, evaluate the state of South African schools - in particular, the quality of school leadership, teaching and learning, and publish reports on the state of the education system.

NEEDU will further make proposals for remedying shortcomings in educational practice, eliminating barriers to quality education, emulating examples of good practice, developing the knowledge and professional capacity of educators, and improving the support that the education districts and departments provide to schools.

In order to do this, authorities under NEEDU will have the authority to visit schools to observe and assess, amongst others, classroom teaching, educator and learner knowledge, professional management of the school and the capacity, efficiency and effectiveness of the school governing body.

"The NEEDU will also have the authority to visit a district office or the office of an education department (provincial and national) to assess how well these bodies support schools and educators... Therefore, it is essential that all interested parties submit their comments on the proposed Bill to ensure that the NEEDU has the proper legal framework to carry out its duties efficiently," the department said.

All education role players, including principals, teachers and education stakeholders as well as non-governmental organisations, education experts and interested parties are invited to comment on the Bill in writing and to direct their comments to:

The Director-General, Private Bag X895, Pretoria, 0001, for attention: Adv. Moribishane Ramafoko, Tel 012 357 3720, email, Fax 012 323 9430.

Person or organisation submitting the comments are kindly requested to provide their name, address, telephone number, fax number and email address.