Pretoria - The Presidential Review Committee (PRC) on State Owned Entities is calling on the public to make submissions which will contribute to the process of reviewing SOEs in the country, the Presidency announced on Monday.
It is calling on all South African citizens, labour, political parties, professional bodies government departments, SEOs and civil society to forward their input on the review process, which will look at the contribution of SOEs to human capital development, especially the development of scarce skills.
The review will also propose viable shareholder and governance models for SOEs; sustainable SOE business models that strike a balance between commercial, developmental and shareholder objectives; appropriate strategic framework or policies on board recruitment, performance and remuneration review; collaboration between government ministries and SOEs, as well as review SOEs on matters relating to strategic importance, value creation, viability and funding aspects.
The Presidency has given the assurance that all information and documentation submitted will remain confidential and that submissions should reach the PRC on or before Friday, 31 July 2011.
Submissions, in electronic word format, can be emailed to: Godwin Ounoha: or Bheki Mfeka: or
You can either post it for attention: Udesh Pillay c/o PRC, Human Sciences Research Council, PRC SOEs Public Submissions, Private Bag X 41, Pretoria 0001.