Call to use water wisely 

Friday, August 30, 2024

As South Africa enters a new season of spring, the Department of Water and Sanitation has called on the public to use the available water wisely and sparingly, as water levels continue to drop in the watercourses.

The department reiterated that South Africa is a dry and water scarce country where every drop counts, and this makes it critical that the public always practice water conservation and use the available water wisely in everything they do.

South Africans celebrate Spring Day on 1 September annually, and this is considered to be a sign of ushering in a new season.

It is tradition in South Africa that the public, particularly children, engage in all sorts of activities such as spraying each other with water.

“Pouring each other with water in the name of welcoming spring on Spring Day might look cool but it adds to water wastage and contributes to the loss of precious water which we cannot afford.

“Spring is high time that we must strengthen water conservation initiatives as it comes with hot temperatures associated with high evaporation leading to less water availability,” the department said.

With climate change upon us, the department emphasised that it is everyone’s responsibility to prevent water losses and contribute to sustainable water supply.

“Everyone can play a part in water security by using water wisely and sparingly through fixing leaks and reporting bulk pipeline leaks to the relevant authorities, not leaving the tap to run while washing your face or brushing teeth, filling kettles with just enough water for the specific need and using a bucket to wash a car,” the department said. –