Committee welcomes collaboration in Water Master Plan roll-out

Friday, November 29, 2019

The Portfolio Committee on Human Settlements, Water and Sanitation has welcomed the collaboration between the Water and Sanitation and Public Works and Infrastructure Departments in the roll out of the Water and Sanitation Master Plan.

Launched on Thursday by Human Settlements, Water and Sanitation Minister Lindiwe Sisulu, the National Water and Sanitation Master Plan is a blueprint on how to manage the critical resource of water.

Chairperson of the Portfolio Committee, Machwene Semenya, said Parliament’s previous committees on water and sanitation had called for the existence of a clear plan to guide the various spheres of government on how to use water in a responsible way.

Semenya said the collaboration will assist in dealing with the many other challenges within the water sector, including dilapidated and inadequate reticulation infrastructure.

She said the committee looked at the plan in a broader context as a tool that will be used as a catalyst in the use of water for both social and economic development purposes.

“The pillars of the plan include plans to eliminate wastages and loss of water due to corruption and mismanagement. The plan ensures that there is a capable leadership within the department and capacitation of leadership at local municipality level,” Semenya said.

Above all, Semenya said, the committee is optimistic that the plan will go a long way in reversing the challenges around water the country has faced recently.

The announcement that the process of acquiring licences to use water will now be executed within 50 days, was also welcomed.

“The cumbersome and unnecessarily long processes that stand on the way of acquiring licences to use water have for some time compromised the economic benefit of water. We are hopeful that this announcement will help unlock the many economic opportunities available within the country which will contribute to job creation,” Semenya said. –