Pretoria - Public Service and Administration Minister Richard Baloyi said corruption was an obstacle to good service delivery and would be one of the priorities for his department in the next five years.
"For us to have a responsible public service, we rely on public servants that play according to the rules," said the minister, speaking on Monday.
Mr Baloyi said special emphasis would be placed on public servants who have their own companies and do not declare a conflict of interest. He described this as a recipe for disaster.
"A person may be a public servant with a company, but when their company comes to do business with government it becomes a problem. We will confront this head on, as it is an obstacle to service delivery."
He is expected to elaborate on how his department will tackle the problem during his Budget Vote in Parliament on Tuesday.
"We will talk about service delivery and how we see ourselves as responsible for the nation's needs. We are going to turn people's lives around and achieve a better life for all. Our long-term objective will be attended through a short-term focus."
Touching on the Single Public Service, the minister said it would ensure effective service delivery in government.
One of the aims of the single public service is to align the conditions of service within the three spheres of government, where appropriate, to ensure mobility of employees and to promote stability.
The legislation to enact a single public service was tabled in parliament last year.