Countdown looms for matric exams

Monday, July 19, 2010

Pretoria - With 97 days before Grade 12 learners sit for the National Senior Certificate (NSC) examination, the Basic Education Department has encouraged learners to start preparing and developing their own personal exam timetable.

"They should work out a study schedule so that they allocate sufficient time for revision for each subject, select fixed study times for every day including weekends and break up topics into manageable sections in each subject," said department spokesperson Granville Whittle.

Granville also encouraged learners to attend additional classes offered on Saturdays and after school as they are held to assist learners revise the relevant sections of the curriculum.

"Learners should make sure that all their study materials are in order - notes, worksheets and textbooks, if they have anything missing they should ensure that they get hold of the material from a teacher or fellow learner.

"If they have missed school at any stage they should ensure that they have caught up on that section of the curriculum and also access as many past examination papers as possible for each subject and use them as part of exam preparation," Granville said.

The exams will start on 25 October with a three hour Information Technology (IT) Paper 2 (theory) and a three hour Computer Application Technology (CAT) Paper 2 (theory).