COVID-19 case confirmed in Alexandra

Monday, March 30, 2020

The Gauteng Health Department has confirmed a COVID-19 case in Alexandra, Johannesburg.

“The confirmed case, was tested and was instructed to remain under self-isolation while awaiting results,” said the department on Monday.

According to the provincial department, the man who has tested and was subsequently found to be infected with the virus, disregarded instructions to self-isolate and travelled to outside of the province before the lockdown.

“Upon positive confirmation of results, our team of tracers working with law enforcement agencies tracked the confirmed case to Limpopo,” said the department.

The man is currently under isolation in a health facility in Limpopo.

The department confirmed that five other people who had come into close contact with the confirmed case are currently under quarantine.

“All known close contacts have already been identified, tested and are in quarantine pending results.

“Our tracing team will continue to work on the tracking and tracing of other possible contacts.”

The department urged communities to take heed of the lockdown measures and act responsibly to contain and prevent the further spread of COVID-19.  –