Crime Line helps track down suspected drug dealers, drugs

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Pretoria - Tip-offs to Crime Line on suspected drug dealing and possession has led to 19 arrests and the seizure thousands of rands worth of drugs in August.

"Eighty percent of Crime Line arrests are drug related. This says something. We need to all unite further and fight this scourge that is eating away at our communities. Let's stop this," said Head of Crime Line Yusuf Abramjee

To date, drug-related tip-offs to Crime Line have led to the arrest of 663 suspects and drugs worth almost R6 million being seized.

Major drug breakthroughs during August include the arrest of a suspected drug dealer in Hillbrow, who police found in possession of cocaine and stolen cell phones collectively worth R50 000.

A Crime Line tip-off also led police to the arrest a suspected drug dealer in Alberton, on who was found in possession of narcotic substances worth R14 000.

A suspect in the North West and found in possession of two ivory tusks, estimated at R16 000, and a box of dagga.

Significant breakthroughs were also made in the Western Cape.

"We have had a number of significant breakthroughs during August, thanks to tip-offs that members of the public have passed on to Crime Line. We thank the police for taking the information and bringing these suspects to book," he said.

Meanwhile, representatives from Crime Line and Crime Stop will soon leave for Las Vegas, USA, where they will represent Crime Stoppers South Africa at the annual Crime Stoppers International Conference.

"The conference is a fantastic opportunity to engage with law enforcement experts from around the globe on the latest technology and high-impact programmes to ensure we provide the public with a safe tool to blow the whistle on crime," said Abramjee.