Public Works and Infrastructure Minister Patricia De Lille has reaffirmed her commitment to serving the people of South Africa and the Constitution by bringing services and creating work opportunities.
Addressing her department’s senior officials, Minister De Lille said even though she had been warned that the corruption, factionalism and maladministration are deep-rooted in the department, and that change would be impossible, she is even more determined to bring the much-needed change at a higher and faster gear.
“We are not going to talk about accountability, we are going to be accountable and when we fall short, we must accept the consequences that must follow.
“We are not real estate agents looking to make a fast buck from leasing public assets, we are managing assets on behalf of the people, many of whom are dirt-poor. They have every right to demand that their assets are well maintained and cost effectively managed,” Minister De Lille said.
She said the ample policies and plans to develop a better South Africa now need to be implemented.
The Minister said she is going to rapidly develop a set of practical steps to usher implementation. One of those, she said, is using public land and public buildings for the good of the public.
Kicking into the higher and faster gear promise, the Minister has set a deadline of 30 days to produce the first set of departmental targets, with budgets and delivery timeframes.
She said citizens need to know, regardless of where they are from, what the Department of Public Works and Infrastructure is doing to positively impact their lives.
“We are going to demonstrate that government can be both caring and capable. We are going to stop wasting people’s money.
“We are going to reduce travel, cut out unnecessary events and reward those who serve with humility, honesty and integrity while prosecuting crooks,” De Lille said. –