Dedicated call centre for matrics with ID queries

Monday, October 22, 2012

Pretoria - A dedicated call centre has been made available by the Department of Home Affairs to assist the Class of 2012 with their ID queries.

Making the announcement on Monday, Home Affairs Minister Naledi Pandor said the call centre would be operational effectively from 22 October 2012.

She also committed the department and its officials to ensuring that no effort was spared to finalise all outstanding ID queries for Grade 12 learners.

Learners with queries are invited to call the following numbers for assistance:
* 072 634 0414
* 072 634 0683
* 072 634 0589
* 072 634 0408

Pandor further made a special call to all Grade 11 learners in particular to make sure they apply for their IDs on time so that they can register for their matric examinations next year.

"IDs are a passport to a better life, including matric examinations and accessing further education and training, and many other opportunities," she reminded learners.

She further wished the Class of 2012 all the best as they embarked on this final step of their school careers. -