Department prepares for Pongolapoort Dam water release

Thursday, March 13, 2025

The Department of Water and Sanitation (DWS) is preparing for the imminent release of water from the Pongolapoort Dam in Jozini, northern KwaZulu-Natal.

This follows weeks of heavy rainfall that have caused several dams in the region to exceed their capacity.

The department issued a statement this week, noting that the Pongolapoort Dam has reached 90.8% of its capacity due to continuous inflows, prompting it to implement the standard operating rule of the dam safety protocol.

“This decision [to release the water] underscores the critical importance to maintain dam safety and prevent potential risks associated with overcapacity. Water release is a necessary measure to ensure the structural integrity of the dam and safeguard surrounding communities from the dangers of uncontrolled spillage or dam failure,” the department said.

If the current inflows persist, the department said it may be required to activate releases by Friday, 14 March 2025.

It also noted that the inflows are unpredictable and may change at any time.

“For instance, current inflows may significantly increase, requiring the department to release water before the anticipated time. On the contrary, inflows may significantly reduce, necessitating a halt to the release.

“Currently, the inflow slightly exceeds the outflow, and the dam level continues to rise steadily. It is for this reason that communities are notified of the imminent release to ensure preparedness and safety,” the department said.

Communities in and around Jozini, and Makhathini Flats (Welcome, Hlazane, Mboza, KwaShukela, Mzinyeni, Skhemelele, KwaLulwane, Bhekabantu, Mamfene, Shemula, Hlokohloko, Madonela, and Ndumo), have been urged to exercise extreme caution during and after the water release.

Additionally, the department is continuously engaging with the Lower Pongola Water User Association, representing water users and communities in the riparian of the river, to keep stakeholders informed on the department’s emergency preparedness plan.

The increased flow into the Pongola River will raise water levels, potentially affecting low-lying areas, floodplains, low-level bridges, and agricultural activities.

Residents downstream have been advised to remain vigilant, as the release may lead to localised flooding.

The department emphasised that the Pongolapoort Dam remains a vital infrastructure for water management and flood control.

The department will continue to monitor the dam’s performance, including inflow rates, to ensure the safe and efficient operation of the dam.

It emphasised that the proactive approach highlights the importance of balancing water storage with safety, ensuring the well-being of communities and the environment, while maintaining the dam’s functionality.

“The DWS follows operating rules and procedures when releasing water from dams necessitated by floods as a result of heavy rains and will gradually implement the releases in line with the established flood management protocols in coordination with the National Disaster Management Centre (NDMC), Provincial Disaster Management Centres (PDMCs), and affected local municipalities.” –