Eastern Cape Premier Oscar Mabuyane has assured the people of the province that the provincial government will do more, better and faster, to ensure that it delivers on its 2024 manifesto commitments.
Announcing the province’s new Members of the Executive Council on Friday, Mabuyane said: “I wish to inform the people of our province that we have reconfigured government departments by separating Finance and the Department of Economic Development Environmental Affairs, and Tourism.
He explained that the reconfiguration was done to ensure that economic development matters receive special attention to build an economy that creates new jobs.
“We want to ensure that special focus is paid to retaining and attracting new investments into our province. After all, it is the investors that will create the much-needed jobs in our province,” Mabuyane said.
He announced that the Departments of Public Works and Human Settlements have been combined.
“These two departments are mainly about the built environment which is critical for the development of our province and communities. It makes sense to place the under one Executing Authority for seamless planning and execution of projects,” the Premier said.
Mabuyane announced the Members of the Executive Council as follows:
• MEC for Finance is Mlungisi Mvoko
• MEC for Education is Fundile Gade
• MEC for Health is Ntandokazi Capa
• MEC for Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs is Zolile Williams
• MEC for Economic Development, Environmental Affairs, and Tourism is Nonkqubela Peters
• MEC for Sport, Recreation, Arts and Culture is Sibulele Ngongo
• MEC for Social Development is Bukiwe Fanta
• MEC for Public Works and Human Settlements is Mani-Lusithi
• MEC for Transport and Community Safety is Xolile Nqatha
• MEC for Agriculture is Nonceba Kontsiwe
Mabuyane said the MECs would be heading stable portfolios with experienced HODs, established CEOs of public entities and highly skilled employees.
“They will be supported by their administrative teams to build on the progress of the past five years.” – SAnews.gov.za