Pretoria - The Free State government is embarking on a campaign to motivate the class of 2010 before they sit for their final exams.
Members of the Executive Council, legislature and politicians, led by Premier Ace Magashule, will undertake a four-day drive to visit 51 schools in the province.
The provincial Education Department says the main objective of the visits is to solicit involvement from parents, the community and faith-based organisations to support the class of 2010.
The visits will run from 12 to 15 October.
The Free State Education Department's target for this year is an 80 percent pass rate. About 29 000 learners will be writing final year examinations, which start on 25 October.
This campaign follows the three-week teachers' strike and preliminary examinations disruptions, which adversely affected the process of learning and teaching in the third quarter of the year.