Focused support for offenders

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Pretoria - A lot still needs to be done to strengthen rehabilitation and social reintegration of offenders into communities.

This emerged during the national interfaith seminar, jointly organised by the National Interfaith Council of South Africa (NICSA) and Correctional Services, leaders of various faith groups, NICRO and Correctional Services in Pretoria on Thursday.

The one day seminar is the first high level discussion between the council of interfaith leaders and Correctional Services since the establishment of NICSA in 2011.  

Speaking at the opening of the seminar, Acting National Commissioner of Correctional Services Zach Modise said the challenge of curbing crime and reshaping the criminal justice system is not the sole responsibility of government, but it is also a test of the commitment of the religious sector.

He called on the religious sector to teach right from wrong, respect for life and the law, forgiveness and mercy.

“Our beliefs about the sanctity of human life, and dignity, must be at the centre of our approach to these issues. We respect humanity, and promote the human dignity of both the offended (victims) and offenders.”

Modise was of the belief that society must protect its citizens from violence and crime, and hold accountable those who break the law.

“These same principles lead us to promote rehabilitation, and treatment, for offenders and the offended (victims), for all their lives reflect that same dignity. Both the offended (victims) and perpetrators of crime are children of God.”

The seminar also identified family reunification as the cornerstone of sustainable social reintegration of offenders and of building safer communities. –