Free State certain of smooth exams

Monday, October 24, 2011

Pretoria - As the first written National Senior Certificate exam gets underway, the Free State MEC for Education, Tate Makgoe, has assured learners and parents that they are well prepared for the exams.

We want to assure the Free State public that we are indeed ready for these exams," he said on Monday morning.

Makgoe said all the necessary administrative systems had been put in place to ensure the smooth running of the 2011 matric examinations and a provincial monitoring team had been established to respond promptly to any possible challenges during the exams.

"By 8:30am today, all examination centres would have received their exams papers," said the MEC.

More than 20 000 Free State Grade 12 learners will write English Home Language and English First Additional Language today. The two subjects have the biggest number of candidates.

Makgoe said the practical examinations last week had gone well, with only one school in Heilbronn affected by power failure.

"Arrangements have been made for these learners to write a back-up paper at alater stage," said Makgoe.

He called on learners to work out a study schedule to ensure they allocate sufficient time for revision for each subject.

"We urge them to select times for every day, including weekends, and break up topics into manageable sections in each subject."