Pretoria - The Gauteng Provincial Government is to spend R12.6 billion on housing delivery.
Tabling the provincial budget on Tuesday, Finance MEC Mandla Nkomfe said that over the coming year, work around urban renewal would be strengthened to ensure that cohesive communities are built.
The MEC said the Masupatsela Pioneer Programme, a pilot programme aimed to promote social cohesion, has been allocated R14 million over the MTEF.
Over the course of the MTEF, the War Room on Poverty received R3.1 million. The programme targets deprived households in the poorest wards within municipalities.
The provincial Department of Sport, Arts, Culture and Recreation has begun to proactively engage the communities of Gauteng around democracy related matters.
"An amount of R4.8 million over the MTEF has been set aside for the implementation of such purposes and of "getting to know your province," said the MEC.
The provincial government will also spend R4.5 million over the first two years of the MTEF on teaching young people to swim.
R12.5 million has also been budgeted for the Premier Advisory Unit which has been established to provide advice to the Premier while the legislature budget has been increased.
"We have increased the budget for the legislature by R70 million in 2010/11, R80 in 2011/12 and R95 million in 2012/13," he said.