GCIS launches podcast to complement Vuk’uzenzele newspaper

Thursday, June 29, 2023

The Government Communication and Information System (GCIS) will today launch a podcast to complement its Vuk’uzenzele flagship publication. 

The innovation, called Vuk Talks Podcasts, responds to the fast-paced and mobile news consumption trend emerging among young people who are largely digitally connected.

In addition, the podcast will make it easy for audiences who prefer audio to access the Vuk’uzenzele publication’s content.

GCIS Acting Director General, Michael Currin, said through the Vuk Talks Podcasts, the GCIS will realise its mission of empowering South Africans through communication excellence and ensure access to government information by as many citizens as possible.

“In line with the government strategy to create jobs and grow the economy which specifically prioritises the empowerment of young people, the Vuk Talks Podcasts will be hosted and produced by young people who are on an internship programme at the GCIS. 

“It will not only carry stories previously published in the Vuk’uzenzele newspaper, but also the broader content focusing on the GCIS campaigns such as gender-based violence and femicide (GBVF), economic reconstruction and recovery, as well as safety and security,” Currin highlighted. 

Currin said the GCIS is committed to improving and enhancing access to essential government policy decisions and programmes aimed at empowering the South African citizen, “this, especially in the era where technology and communication platforms are advancing and changing rapidly”.

“We have to keep up with the pace! The launch of Vuk Talks Podcasts is yet another milestone in our quest, as government, to leave no one behind as we march courageously into the digital future,” he said.

The podcasts will be published bi-monthly and available for downloading from the website: www.gov.za.

More information on the podcasts is provided through the Vuk’uzenzele video available at https://youtu.be/LdEr0BCEQSs. - SAnew.gov.za