On Tuesday, 21 May, the Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development will visit the Thornveld farm (portion 1 of farm Welgewagd 233 KB) located in Dwaalboom farming area near Thabazimbi, Waterberg District.
On Wednesday, 22 May, the GCIS in collaboration with the Department of Tourism and Brand South Africa invite members of the media to participate in a virtual panel discussion on tourism opportunities in the SADC region during Africa Month.
Also on Wednesday, the Electoral Commission officially launches the National Results Operation Centre (ROC) ahead of the upcoming 2024 National and Provincial Elections.
On Thursday, 23 May, the Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation will be hosting a roundtable discussion on Perspectives on the 30 Year Review Report and the road ahead.
From Thursday, 23 May, to Friday, 24 May, the Department of Employment and Labour will be hosting a joint interdepartmental Jobs Fair in the Limpopo province.