Govt conducting assessments of municipalities

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Cape Town – President Jacob Zuma says task teams have been established and programmes are being developed to provide support for identified municipalities.

The President said the move comes after government, under the leadership of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs Minister Pravin Gordhan, completed assessments of 160 municipalities across the country.

“We have assessed all municipalities in the country in terms of those that are performing well, those that are at risk and those that are dysfunctional. Municipal support plans are being developed to coordinate the response of provincial and national government departments,” he said.

President Zuma was responding to written questions for oral reply at the National Assembly on Wednesday.

He was answering a question regarding what progress government has made in implementing the recently launched “back to basics” strategy, which is aimed at improving the delivery of basic services, resolving complaints from communities and ensuring better coordination among all spheres of government to address service delivery issues.

The back to basics strategy was also introduced to ensure sound financial management at municipal and provincial level, and that corruption and maladministration are rooted out.

He said an Inter-Ministerial Committee on Basic Services had been established to ensure the programme is implemented efficiently.  

To date, 160 municipalities have been assessed to identify municipalities that need support, which ones are viable or which ones need to be merged with other councils.

Appearing before Parliament

DA Parliamentary leader Mmusi Maimane asked the President when he would appear before the National Assembly this year to answer questions.

President Zuma indicated that he would appear before Parliament on 18 June, 6 August and on 19 November 2015.

Over and above this, he also appears before the National Council of Provinces (NCOP) and Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa – as the Leader of Government Business - also appears before both Houses.

President Zuma added that Ministers and Deputy Ministers also appeared in committee meetings to account to Parliament.

“The President also accounts through SONA and budget votes,” he said.

Operation Phakisa

The President was asked by ANC Member of Parliament Amos Mahlalela on the progress made in implementing Operation Phakisa.

Phase 1 of Operation Phakisa focuses on tapping into the ocean’s economy in the fields of marine, transport, manufacturing, offshore mine and gas exploration, aquaculture and marine protection service.

He said early projections were that R9 billion was needed in infrastructure to support the oil and gas and manufacturing industries.

The refurbishment of existing ship repair facilities has already commenced.

Contracts have also been awarded on the repairs of facilities on the ports of Port Elizabeth and Durban, while tenders for the remaining facilities are at various stages.

“Transnet has committed funds for the implementation of a concession model for private sector investment for new marine manufacturing ports facilities. Engagement with industries in this regard has already commenced,” he said.

The President said surveys were being conducted on the South West and East Coast through reconnaissance permits as well as exploration and production rights as far as oil and gas exploration was concerned.

He said South Africa needed to enhance the country’s skills base to successfully implement all projects in the oceans economy in the future.

“The People’s Republic of China has offered 2000 study opportunities for South African students over a period of five years. Earmarked fields of study include maritime and marine and ocean-related areas.

“Some students have already qualified in maritime studies through the World Maritime University in Sweden.”

In Phase 2 of Operation Phakisa, which focusses in health, the Department of Health working with all provinces as well as the private sector and non-profit organisations had completed a planning laboratory in Pretoria.

Detailed plans have been developed to roll out a programme to realise the “ideal clinic” initiative across all clinic facilities across South Africa to improve service delivery. –