Cape Town - Government is to review its decision on the closure of specialised units such as the Child Protection Unit and Sexual Offenses Unit.
"We need to consider the reintroduction of some these specialized units such as the child protection unit and sexual offenses unit," Police Minister Nathi Mthethwa said on Wednesday.
These special units were devolved to local police stations in 2006, with government saying then that increased oversight of their work strengthened their provision of services to communities.
Today, Minister Mthethwa said the closure of these units has lead to significant debate regarding the need for certain types of crimes to be addressed by people with specialized knowledge and experience.
"Some of this knowledge and experience can only be acquired through concerted and focused knowledge acquired over time," the minister said.
And as such government would consider the reintroduction of some of these units, in a bid to upscale efforts to deal with crimes perpetrated against women and children