Have your say on new teacher guidelines

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Pretoria - Education stakeholders and the public have been called on to submit their comments on the newly developed National Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statements (CAPS) for all grades and subjects.

It is hoped that these Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statements will provide clear guidelines on what teachers ought to teach and assess on a grade-by-grade and subject basis.

The proposed CAPS follows a report released in 2009 by Ministerial Review Committee, which raised questions about the lack of clarity in the National Curriculum Statement (NCS).

As recommended by the Ministerial Committee, the Department of Education tasked the Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statements Ministerial Project Committee with developing single, comprehensive and concise CAPS for each grade, from Grade R to 12.

"The CAPS are single, comprehensive and concise policy documents to replace the current Subject and Learning Area Statements, Learning Programme Guidelines and Subject Assessment Guidelines for all subjects listed in the NCS Grades R to 12," the department explained.

The department said it was vital South Africans were kept abreast of the progress the curriculum review process was making in order for all education stakeholders to take ownership of the process.

"Public consultation is vital and we stand firm on the principle that the process is open and transparent."

The CAPS may be accessed on the department's website www.education.gov.za or http://www.thutong.doe.gov.za, hard copies of the documents are also obtainable on the same address.

The closing date for the submission of public comments is 27 September 2010 and 11 October 2010 for the Foundation Phase documents.

Submissions should be delivered to the Acting Deputy Director General: Curriculum Policy, Support and Monitoring, Department of Basic Education, Attention: Ms M Ramohapi, 222 Struben Street, Pretoria.

They can also be posted to Private Bag X 895, Pretoria 0001 or Fax to 012 328 9828 or email to CAPScomments@dbe.gov.za