Help for those writing old senior certificate exams

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Pretoria - The Department of Basic Education has posted copies of examination guidelines and syllabi material on its website for those adults who will be writing their matric exams based on the old senior certificate syllabus.

Adults who did not complete their matric before the new curriculum was phased in are still given the opportunity to write their finals.

With the examinations starting on 2 May, the department posted on its website the syllabi and the examination guidelines, which are the key documents used in the setting of the questions papers. The documents also specify the scope and depth of the knowledge and skills that will be covered in the examination.

Department spokesperson Panyaza Lesufi noted that the closing date for registration to write the 2012 senior certificate examination had passed, although one could register for the 2013 May/June Senior Certificate examination, before 30 September 2012.

Candidates that have already registered must confirm with the provincial education department that they have been correctly registered.

The website address at which documents can be located is:

The guidelines and syllabi are located in the senior certificate link inside the Assessment Block on the right hand side of the website.

Candidates who do not have access to the internet are advised to go to the nearest district office in their province, where the documents will be provided.

Lesufi highlighted that the attainment of a Grade 12 qualification had been shown to improve employability as well as personal income, and in the context of the low skills base in the country.
It is imperative that the status quo improves.