Hlabisa launches data-driven initiative to improve municipal operations

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs Minister, Velenkosini Hlabisa, has underscored the importance of local government functioning optimally and efficiently, as this has a ripple effect on the outcomes of the entire country. 

“Through our shared commitment to data and collaboration, we will ensure that every municipality can thrive and serve its residents to the best of its ability. Together, we have the power to make a significant impact, and we look forward to what we can achieve as we move forward,” he said on Tuesday. 

The Minister was speaking at the launch of the National Strategic Hub in Gauteng, an initiative that positions data as the catalyst for improving municipal operations. 

The National Strategic Hub, as approved by Cabinet in October 2023, utilises data and digital tools to build a national “single source of truth” by integrating, transforming, analysing, and visualising country-level data to inform decision-making on planning, resource allocation, implementation, and monitoring. 

The National Strategic Hub offers the following key features:
- Reliable Data Source: Establishing a single source of truth for public sector planning, ensuring all local government activities are informed by up-to-date and accurate information.
- Comprehensive District Insights: Providing a 360-degree view of all district spaces, enabling a holistic understanding of the local government landscape.
- Fostering Co-Governance: Engaging communities, private sector entities, and other stakeholders in real-time monitoring of what is happening within their local government spaces, enhancing transparency and participation.
- Empowering Communities and Leadership: Equipping community members and political leaders with the tools to make informed decisions on resource allocation, planning, and service delivery.
- Private Sector Collaboration: Enabling private sector entities to gain insight into district needs, fostering meaningful contributions toward local development.
- Standardisation and Collaboration: Promoting standardised planning and fostering collaboration across various government and non-governmental entities, aligned with the "all of government and all of society" approach.
- Lifecycle Planning and Performance Monitoring: Supporting a cradle-to-grave planning model and ongoing monitoring of local government performance for continuous improvement.

Hlabisa described the launch as a significant milestone in the shared mission to transform municipalities into effective engines of national development. 

Hlabisa believes that data is essential for effective planning, decision-making, and service delivery. 

He acknowledged that without accurate, timely and reliable data, municipalities cannot function efficiently.

“It ensures that no municipality is left behind, guiding us in our mission to improve lives in every corner of this nation,” Hlabisa explained. 

Power of data

According to the Minister, effective governance starts with the ability to make informed decisions. 

“All municipal planning must be anchored on reliable data – that is, data that empowers us to deliver better services, track our progress, and continuously refine our efforts.

“Data transforms our approach from being reactionary to anticipatory, enabling us to make proactive decisions.”

With a comprehensive 360-degree view of district spaces, he said government can see the real-time dynamics of municipalities. 

“This empowers us to work closely with communities and stakeholders, ensuring our responses are timely and targeted.”

Data-driven DDM

At the heart of this transformation, that is driven by data-informed planning, lies the District Development Model (DDM), a holistic approach designed to streamline and enhance municipal development. 

By leveraging real-time data, Hlabisa said municipalities could monitor progress and facilitate informed decision-making across all sectors involved in district development.

“Real-time tracking of key performance indicators allows us to evaluate our initiatives as they unfold… For instance, if data reveals a sudden increase in service delivery issues in a specific area, stakeholders can mobilise resources quickly to address the problem. 

“This level of agility is crucial for ensuring that our interventions are timely and impactful.”

Hlabisa said they will continue to champion the “all of society” and “all of government” approach to district development, while emphasising the importance of collaboration across various sectors. 

“For instance, local governments can share data with NGOs [non-governmental organisations] to inform their outreach efforts, while private sector entities can provide insights into economic trends that affect district planning.” 

Data-driven tools

At the launch, Hlabisa showcased the Service Delivery Simulator, which enables officials to pinpoint areas of need and direct resources efficiently. 

He told the attendees that GovSearch allows decision-makers to access official government data, ensuring that planning is based on the best available information. 

These tools, according to the Minister, will allow municipalities to align their actions with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the Africa Agenda 2063, and the National Development Plan (NDP 2030).

“In essence, these tools will empower us to better understand the dynamic and evolving needs of our district spaces.” 

Hlabisa emphasised that this is not only a tool for government planning, but "a bridge to citizens". 

“By providing communities with insight into what is happening in their spaces, we empower them to be active participants in shaping their future. 

“With data-enhanced citizen engagement, we look forward to building municipalities that genuinely reflect the needs and aspirations of the people they serve.” 

The Minister called on the private sector to collaborate with them to expand government’s capacity to innovate and address pressing community needs.

He also took the time to express his gratitude to the German Development Cooperation (GIZ) and Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office for backing the Service Delivery Simulator. 

He said the GIZ’s violence and crime prevention (VCP) programme has been pivotal in institutionalising safety within municipal planning processes. He also acknowledged Microsoft for its invaluable technical expertise. – SAnews.gov.za