Pretoria - The country's top judges say they welcome the commitment made by government to support the judiciary in the fulfillment of its constitutional obligations.
"We note and welcome the commitment of the Executive to the independence of the judiciary and its willingness to support the judiciary in the fulfillment of our constitutional obligation," Chief Justice Pius Langa said on Wednesday.
Addressing the media on the declaration adopted during the second Judicial Conference for judges this week, Chief Justice Langa said it was vital for the judiciary to establish a consistent working relationship with government to enhance access to justice.
Chief Justice Langa said the judges were impressed when President Jacob Zuma and Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development, Jeff Radebe, affirmed their commitment to work with the judiciary in improving the country's judicial system, on Monday.
He said the judiciary will interact regularly with the President and Minister Radebe to coordinate their programme of work, while still ensuring the independence of the judiciary.
The three-day conference, which ended on Wednesday, was organised by the Constitutional Court with a special emphasis on enhancing access to justice for all.
Topics covered included the constitution of the judiciary to enhance quality justice, use of languages in court, judicial independence and the separation of powers.
As part of their deliberations, judges committed to enhance access to justice consistent with the Constitution and eliminate delays in the criminal and civil justice system.
The judges further agreed to uphold the principles of accountability, responsiveness and openness.
Judges affirmed that the judiciary will continue to respect and uphold the principle of the separation of powers and refrain from encroaching into the domain of other branches of government unless this is mandated by the Constitution.
Meanwhile, the judiciary plans on establishing a committee which will monitor the implementation of the commitments, principles and programme of work set out during the conference.
To improve communication among all judges, a private website will be established for judges where information relevant to judges can be posted.