Pretoria - The Intersessional Meeting of the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme (KPCS) for Rough Diamonds under the Chair of South Africa concluded its deliberations on Friday.
The Kimberly Process was held under the theme ‘Ten years of stemming the flow of conflict diamonds.’
The landmark meeting brought together representatives of governments, the diamond industry and civil society to discuss ways of strengthening the effectiveness of the rough diamond certification scheme to ensure that diamond trade is not financing violence by rebel movements and their allies seeking to undermine legitimate governments.
The KPCS meeting was held on the tenth anniversary after its inception, in the very town where it was initiated and named after.
At a commemoration event at the Tabernacle Church, which served as a venue for the original meeting of the KPCS, 23 individuals who had attended the very first meeting were honoured for the role they played in building the KPCS from its infancy to its current stature.
Speaking at the closing ceremony, Mineral Resources Minister Susan Shabangu said: “The Intersessional Meeting had a dual purpose. The first was to commemorate the ten-year anniversary of KPCS and the second to ensure that it continues to effectively fulfil the role for which it was created.”
“The intersessional meeting acknowledged the significant impact that the KPCS has had in the last decade on the global trade in rough diamonds. It was recognised that the Scheme has, within its existing mandate, been successful in minimising the trade in what has come to be known as conflict diamonds. It has also had a significant developmental impact in improving the lives of people dependent of the trade in diamonds,” she said.
During discussions, delegates reviewed the processes and functions of the Scheme to ensure that it remains relevant and credible in curbing the illegal flow of rough diamonds.
The findings of Review Missions and Visits to ascertain compliance with the KPCS was considered including the possibility of further Review Missions to Cote d’Ivoire and the Central African Republic amongst others.
Technical support for KPCS compliance as well as creating public awareness of its activities were also discussed.
Recommendations emanating from the Intersessional meeting will be considered at the Plenary meeting of the KPCS to be held later this year in South Africa. –