Pretoria – Labour inspectors are expected to converge in Cape Town this week to discuss new labour regulations, compliance and enforcement initiatives.
The three-day Inspectors’ Conference will be held from Wednesday hosted by the Department of Labour’s Inspection and Enforcement Services (IES).
The conference ties with the department’s vision of creating an enabling environment for economic growth, while ensuring that the inspections services respond to the monitoring and enforcement of the slew of labour legislation such as the Basic Conditions of Employment Act, the Employment Equity Act, the Occupational Health and Safety Act; Unemployment Insurance Act, among others.
Department spokesperson, Musa Zondi explained that as part of its inspection work in the period, the Department of Labour’s IES branch planned to conduct an unprecedented 130 000 workplace visits between April 2013 and March 2014.
The inspectors will focus on what has been identified as high risks and problematic sectors.
He said that issues that will come for discussion at the conference will include an update on the amendments to labour laws; the state of compliance in the country; IES procedures; implementation of Sector Accords.
“There will also be discussions on The Roving Team concept; shaping the future of IES; inspectors’ perspective on transformation of labour market using employment equity as an instrument; stakeholder’s perspective on labour inspection in South Africa and a host of other labour-related issues,” Zondi said.
Labour Minister, Mildred Oliphant is expected to deliver a keynote address at the conference to take place at the Cape Town International Conference Centre.
Other speakers will include officials from the International Labour Organisation, the country’s labour federations and chairpersons of Parliamentary Committees that deal with labour matters.
The SAPS, National Prosecution Authority and the Commission for Conciliation Mediation and Arbitration will also shed light on aspects relating to investigations, prosecution and dispute resolutions. –