Pretoria - Parliament’s preparations to facilitate the re-opening of the land reform and redistribution process will kick-off with a two-day workshop in Stellenbosch today.
According to Foster Mohale from Parliamentary Communication Services, the Ad Hoc Committee will use the two-day gathering to conduct a coordinated oversight on the legacy of the 1913 Natives Land Act.
“The two-day workshop, which involves several stakeholders -- including Members of Parliament, Members of the Provincial Legislatures, academics, researchers, traditional leaders and other experts -- will discuss key land reform policies that have the potential to strengthen government’s efforts to reverse the legacy of colonial and apartheid land dispossession that were consolidated by the Natives Land Act (1913),” he said.
Mohale said during the workshop, which will end on Saturday, delegates will extensively elaborate on policy implications, attempt to arrive at common ground and produce concrete policy proposal to support government’s agenda to reverse the legacy of the Natives Land Act.
The initial process was undertaken on 7 - 8 June in Parliament, and it involved six Portfolio Committees namely Rural Development and Land Reform; Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries; Public Works; Arts and Culture; Human Settlements and Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs. -