Pretoria - Limpopo Health and Social Development MEC Dikeledi Magadzi is expected to lead a campaign to promote breastfeeding as part of World Breastfeeding Week.
Magadzi, who will take part in the campaign launch at Nchabeleng Health Centre in Ga-Nchabeleng this afternoon, said the benefits of exclusive breastfeeding for six months saves lives and by far outweighs any form of 'artificial' feeding immediately after child's birth.
"Breastfeeding is fundamental to the survival of all children as it, amongst others, provides all the nutrients the baby needs to grow and develop, while at the same time builds a strong bond between mother and child.
"We would really like to encourage mothers to breastfeed their babies as breast milk contains antibodies that helps in the strengthening of the babies' immune system, thus preventing common illnesses such as diarrhoea and pneumonia," said Magadzi.
She also noted that mothers who breastfeed their babies are more likely to return to their normal pre-pregnancy, provided they do not overeat during the feeding period.