Maj-General Ntlemeza named new Hawks boss

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Pretoria- Major-General Berning Ntlemeza has been confirmed as the new head of the Directorate for Priority Crime Investigation (Hawks).

Nhlemeza was acting in the position since December 2014 following the suspension and eventual resignation of General Anwa Dramat.

Making the announcement on Thursday afternoon, Police Minister Nathi Nhleko said Ntlemeza is a career policeman with over 34 years’ experience as a police officer.

“Time and again, we have been faulted for not appointing career policemen and women into strategic positions.

“I have no doubt that General Ntlemeza will continue the good work that the Hawks have become famous for and help government in fighting serious organised crime and corruption,” said Minister Hleko.

Ntlemeza started his career as a policeman when he joined the service in 1981 in the then Transkei.

He progressed through the ranks as an investigator, served as a commander for the Detectives Branch in Alexandra and Acting Station Commander between 1996 and 1998.

In 1998, he was appointed to the position of Area Commander for Detective Services in Northern Gauteng, a position which he occupied for a period of only two years until he was promoted to Provincial Commander General for investigations in Gauteng and the Eastern Cape.

He has experience in many areas including detectives section, crime detection services, policing and Crime Intelligence for a period spanning over 11 years.

With regards to qualifications, he is in possession of a degree in police science, B Juris and presently working on an LLB Degree.

Since his appointment to act in this position, Minister Nhleko said the Hawks have stabilised and have scored major success in fighting priority crimes ranging from rhino poaching to police murders to the uncovering of drug laboratories and in fighting police corruption.

“The major general has vast experience in policing ….experience counts a lot so political considerations did not play a role as he emerged as the top candidate.”

There were five candidates interviewed by a panel of three cabinet ministers and a deputy minister as well as a representative from the human resource department and union. 

Ntlemeza’s appointment has been endorsed by Cabinet.

Speaking after the announcement, Ntlemeza said he was ready to take the crime fighting body to greater heights.

He said since he started acting in the position, he has taken on his shoulders to ensure that DPCI is “steered in the right direction towards the fight against corruption, crime and as well as to contribute towards a safe and secure environment for all.”

He added that “this appointment signals that cabinet believes in the abilities and capabilities of the DPCI and therefore emphasises the importance of and relevance of the Hawks towards the fight against crime.”

The new head also assured South Africans that under his leadership, the Hawks will ensure a multi-disciplinary and integrated approach in the prevention and combating of all priority offences from corruption, commercial crimes to serious organised crime and drugs.

 “I commit to excellence, discipline, professionalism, integrity, honesty, perseverance, teamwork, loyalty and patriotism to the country through intelligence driven fight against crime that takes into account the rule of law and Bill of Rights.”

Minsiter Nhleko wished General Ntlemeza all the best in his position and called on all South Africans to support police in general and particularly in helping fight crime and corruption as well as the spate of police