Johannesburg - All outstanding matric results have been released to schools and last year's matric pupils have been advised to contact their schools and districts.
Education Minister Naledi Pandor announced on Tuesday that the 56 810 results which had not been released along with the rest of the national matric results on 30 December due to irregularities had now been finalised.
Of the some 56 000, a total of 33 448 candidates had not written the exams, despite registering for them. Another 700 candidates are still being investigated for exam irregularities. The outcomes of these investigations are expected to be completed by 31 January.
Those candidates who were found to have cheated would not be allowed to rewrite their exams for the next two years.
Speaking at a press briefing following a meeting with the Council of Education in Johannesburg, the minister said she had instructed uMalusi and Irregularity Committee to carry out an investigation on the non-production results.
She said she would report on the findings of this committee in February when the council met again.
During the announcement of the national matric results in December, the minister said the results had been held back due to outstanding internal marks, oral or practical requirements or pending irregularity investigations.
Regarding the supplementary exams which are expected to start at the end of February, Ms Pandor said the department would be reaching out to candidates to encourage them to register by the 25th of January.
Candidates must lodge their registration at the District Office serving the candidate's centre.
Supplementary examinations will be conducted at cluster centres linked to the candidate's original centre. They will be required to produce a valid form of identification such as an identity document or passport when registering for and when writing the supplementary examinations.
Candidates will then need to collect admission letters for the supplementary examination from the district office where entries were submitted. These admission letters will be available on 6 February.
The admission letter, together with the candidate's identity document, will be required
before being permitted to enter the examination room.
The timetable for the supplementary examination can be obtained from the department.
Unsuccessful candidates who wrote the November NSC exam should contact the school where they wrote to obtain permission to enrol for Grade 12 in 2009. Candidates may also decide to register at a public Further Education and Training college.
Bursaries are available at these institutions and candidates should contact their closest public FET college to find out about the bursaries and courses offered.