Pretoria - Despite her recent visit to the Eastern Cape to resolve challenges facing the provincial education department, Basic Education Minister Angie Motshekga has expressed grave concern about the ongoing education crisis in the province.
The provincial department has been experiencing various problems, including:
* the recent termination of temporary teachers
* displaced teachers who have been occupying office jobs at the district offices instead of being put in their right jobs
* a lack of infrastructure
* the suspension of scholar transport since the beginning of the year due to lack of funds
* problems with the school nutrition programme
During her visit to the province to assess the situation, Motshekga was given an assurance by Provincial Education MEC, Mandla Makupula and senior managers that a process was in place to ensure that the schools get a minimum of teachers and has also lifted the suspension of scholar transport, especially in rural schools.
The ongoing education crisis and the delay in dealing with challenges have begun to affect schooling negatively, and Motshekga has since dispatched a team of senior officials - led by Director General Bobby Soobryan - to work with the provincial education department to speedily resolve all the urgent matters.
Motshekga has expressed her sincere apologies for the hardship currently experienced by learners, parents and the entire school community.
"We understand the frustration and agitation of affected communities, and vow that our team from the national office, along with the provincial and National Treasury and the Department of Public Service and Administration, will be working around the clock to ensure that teaching and learning resumes fully as soon as possible," she said.
Motshekga added that the national department would continue to work with relevant stakeholders in education and keep them regularly updated about progress.